How Does an Enterprise Operate?
Part 6: Organization Layering
Previously, I explained that the operation of an enterprise is comprised of two distinct kinds of activities: production and coordination…
Trives MeetUp July 4
On July 4, we had our first meetup at the Mendix Rotterdam office. After a short introduction by Wouter Penris,…
How Does an Enterprise Operate?
Part 5: Composing Transactions
In a previous blog, I showed that every business conversation follows a generic pattern called the transaction pattern. This pattern…
How Does an Enterprise Operate?
Part 4: Handling Exceptions
In a previous blog, I showed the detailed construction of a coordination act, the lowest level communicative activity in an…
How Does an Enterprise Operate?
Part 3: The Coordination Act in Detail
In a previous blog, I showed that every activity in an enterprise is part of a transaction, and that every…
How Does an Enterprise Operate?
Part 2: The Transaction Pattern
In an earlier blog, I showed that the operation of an enterprise consists of two different kinds of activities: production…
How Does an Enterprise Operate?
Part 1: Production and Coordination
In an earlier blog, I discussed the two perspectives of Enterprise Modeling: the functional model is stakeholder specific and shows…
What is Artificial Intelligence
ChatGPT is taking over the world. Or at least, it writes the majority of (fake) news and social media posts…
Enterprise Modeling: Two Perspectives
If you want a car to operate more fuel efficient, there are several ways to achieve this: you can avoid…
Transparancy in Government with OpenRegels (Open Rules)
Currently, governmental laws and regulations are captured in legal documents. For the Netherlands, these can be found on, e.g.,…
Part 6: Organization Layering