Initial Setup
ACACIA requires a connection to a Mendix account through Mendix PAT and API key. The tenant admin will be redirected to a settings screen on first login. Based on the choosen credential level, either the tenant admin, or its users, or both can connect a Mendix account. Credentials on user level, when provided, will be used before credentials on tenant level.
Credential level
The tenant admin can choose the credential level:
- Tenant Only: in this case connection the the Mendix account is done only on tenant level. Use a service account as all generated applications will be linked to this account. Users do not need to provide ther own credentials, but generated applications will be connected to the account provided on tenant level.
- User Only: in this, the tenant admin cannot link a Mendix account, but all individual users are required to provide their credentials.
- User override Tenant: the tenant admin can provide generic account credentials, but this settings allows user to provide their own. Generated applications will be linked to the user account if specific credentials are set, otherwise the credentials on tenant level will be used.
Connecting to your Mendix account
In this settings screen, you should enter:
- Mendix user name: your Mendix account email.
- Mendix user ID: the OpenID of your Mendix account. You can find this in your developer profile > settings > personal data
- Mendix API key: follow the description at to generate an API key
- Mendix PAT: follow the description at to generate a Mendix Personal Access Token (PAT). Make sure to at least tick mx:modelrepository:repo:write, mx:modelrepository:write, mx:modelrepository:write and mx:app:create
Under administration or home the tenant admin can add new accounts. After creation, you can click the ‘Send password reset mail’ to actively inform the user. Alternatively, the user can always go to the tool, click ‘Forgot password’ and then enter his/her email address to receive a reset link.
Accounts can be de-activated and re-activated when nessecary. An account can be unblocked when it has been blocked due to multiple false logins.
Template apps
Under template apps you can ‘upload’ your own template apps. Note that a template app must be published in the Mendix market place. Use the UUID as presented in the market place. The template itself can be in your private company market place. Add a distinghuishable name.
After adding, ACACIA will automatically extract all layouts present in the template. Once that process has been completed, the status will be ‘Received’. You can then edit the template app and select the default layouts for this template app, for different types of screens.
Note: currently this only works with for tenant admins. Therefore, the credential level needs to be set to ‘Tenant Only’ or ‘User overrides tenant’
API keys
With API keys, ACACIA can be integrated with other tools, including enterprise modeling tools such as the Simplfied Modeling Platform. Authorization then uses the API key instead of username/password through the front-end. Be careful when adding an API key without end date. Review your API keys on a regular basis.